My adventure of being a student in Software Engineering II after taking Software Engineering I back in Spring 2020, which was more than a year ago, allowed me the ability to continue enhancing my software development skills and work for...
After a crazy roller coaster into the semester and half way of that became a pandemic and transitioning into online classes, I had the opportunity to be part of a software engineering class and learn more about web application development...
Design patterns in the context software engineering are the solutions to problems that many software developers will face during software development. As a software developer, you will encounter issues and problems during the process of software development. Design patterns are...
In the context of software engineering, being ethical means to have commitment as a developer in making their development, design, and maintenance of software beneficial. Also in par with the commitment, the developer is held responsible in being ethical in...
It was that day when COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic according to the World Health Organization. As the virus has spread globally, a lot of major changes have been made, especially in terms on how global human civilization is...
The Semantic UI framework is like a downloadable add-on for HTML/CSS. Although you could code using raw HTML and CSS, Semantic UI allows users to design usable, responsive, and attractive web pages. Also, to build modifying browsers, responsive layouts and...
Coding standards are a set of guidelines, and programming styles and conventions that developers adhere to when programming their source code. It is definite that by improving the quality of code based on coding standards, the efficient it is to...
Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills. Having strong communication skills aids in different aspects of life, such as from our professional to personal life, and all in between. It allows others to understand...
Before being a part of a software engineering class, I wasn’t sure what to expect. It is an interest of mine to work in software development, and web/application design. I hope to become a software engineer in being able to...
The first programming language I learned as an ICS (Information and Computer Sciences) student was Java. Then, I had to learn JavaScript for Software Engineering. When I started to learn JavaScript, I noticed how similar it was to Java. Since...