JavaScript VS Java

20 Jan 2020

The first programming language I learned as an ICS (Information and Computer Sciences) student was Java. Then, I had to learn JavaScript for Software Engineering. When I started to learn JavaScript, I noticed how similar it was to Java. Since I was familiar with Java, it was easier to learn and understand JavaScript. I was able to apply my current knowledge to understand the basics of JavaScript. Both languages have the same concepts, but just different formatting and syntax. Also, compared to Java, JavaScript has shortcuts, and has different kind of ways to type the code.

Is JavaScript a good or bad programming language?

After learning the basics of JavaScript and without much experience, I’m not determined to say whether JavaScript is a good or bad programming language. But, just like any other computer programming language, it tells the computer what to do; and gets the job done. I have yet to master the programming language, but I am willing to learn more about it and what I can do with it.

Athletic Software Engineering

In my current software engineering class, the class implements an educational technique called athletic software engineering. This technique is implemented in the class in order to help the students acquire mastery on the concepts covered in the course. My thoughts on the athletic software engineering technique is that it is an interesting and sufficient way to improve programming skills. We have the opportunity to have practice WODs (Workouts of the Day) inside and outside of class. In a way, I do find the practice WODs really helpful. I have the chance to practice my skills on JavaScript, and determine the level I am at. It is to prepare us students for the actual WODs to test what we understand and know. At the end of it, I think that the athletic software engineering educational technique will help me improve in class and overall. It trains and teaches me what and what not to do.