It was that day when COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic according to the World Health Organization. As the virus has spread globally, a lot of major changes have been made, especially in terms on how global human civilization is now being run. As an individual, this pandemic has affected me significantly in my school and personal life.
One significance change that I was required to adapt to was how school is now online. After hearing the announcement that school was going to be online after Spring Break, I was kinda worried and annoyed. Since the change was so abrupt, I didn’t know what to expect on how classes are going to run. From personal preference, I prefer in-person class meetings over online classes. The only time I would register for an online class is if it’s the only class available and that it is a requirement towards my degree. Now that all classes are now online, it is something that I have to get used to. At the time I am typing this, it has been almost two weeks since we’ve transferred online. I’m still not used to nor liking it. There are classes that I’m having trouble with. It is upsetting that I’m not learning as much compared to what I’ve learned during in-person class meetings. For example, my intro to drawing course. I am in no way skilled in drawing. Without the live suggestions and critiques that my professor tells us while we’re drawing, it is hard for me to judge my work and determine how to make it better at that time of moment. Now, I have to wait for his response after turning my work in online.
Other than the change of environment of school, there are occurred changes in my daily routine. According to the stay-at-home order that has been placed in the State, everyone is ordered to stay and work at home unless of essential services. In my case, this is something I’m very used to. If I’m being honest, I don’t leave my house that much. The only difference now is that I have class in my own room, and that I don’t have to wake up early and get ready to leave for school. Now that I remain in the comfort of my home, some habits of mine are settling back in. Such as, sleeping in and waking up later in the day. Then, there exists procrastination. Since I am at home instead of the dorms, I have access to a lot of things, such as video games. With all of these obstacles hurdling my school work, this is the time that I have the opportunity to strengthen my self-learning and time management.
During this pandemic, I have learned so much about myself, family and friends, and even the community. I learned that in order to protect ourselves, we have to also protect and care for others. Staying home helps prevent spread, and although it gets boring sometimes, I am glad to be home safe with my family. This pandemic has shown to me how our health and well-being, and loved ones are more important than having the expensive things and being materialistic. Also, my appreciation goes out to the doctors and nurses who are helping those in battle with the virus. Even though my hiking trips with friends every weekend has come to a halt, I am learning other ways to be productive while also being in the presence of my friends. I learned that anything can happen. Whether it be good or bad, all we can do is to only ask the best of ourselves and appreciate the life and time we have left cause who knows what else will happen or how much worse it can get.
In order to move forward successfully, we all need to learn how to adapt with change and stick with it. Also, to not be afraid and hesitant during these times of uncertainty. In this unprecedented reality we are all currently in, as long as we stay safe and be cautious on our health and well-being, we will be able to make past of it and move forward.